Various Technologies For Waste Water Treatment

The management of water has become a topic of serious concern with the increase in population and the increased demand for pure water. Water is very important for sustaining life on earth. Many people depend on ground water sources for their survival. A person requires about 135liters of water one day. Hence waste water management to increase the quality of water has become very important. Various techniques have now been found that depends upon the type and extend of contamination. Most of the waste water is treated in industrial scale waste water treatment plants. Some of them are listed below-

Decentralized Treatment 

This method is one of the most common waste water treatment methods used in the past. But this method has seen resurgence recently. It is an onsite or cluster waste water system used for treating small volumes of waste water. The size of such a system ranges from a single house to public facility for several households. There is no need of much equipment for this system as the distance between the collection point of waste water area and the origin point is less. Hence its cost is considerably less. The water treated by using this method can be used for landscape irrigation, toilet flush supply, cooling tower makeup etc.

Satellite Water Reclamation 

Such a system is an economically viable option when the need for reclaimed water is not located near an existing water reclamation plant. This method removes flows from nearby sewers to produce reclaimed water closer to use area. It can reduce the need for infrastructure pumps and pipes to return reclaimed water from a central plant. They are small waste water treatment plants. They usually treat the waste water from nearby large-diameter pipelines. The wastes thus produced are introduced back into the large-diameter pipeline for further treatment. It has an excellent odor removing ability and is designed to be neighbor friendly. This system produces only the quantity of reclaimed water needed. This system provides high quality reclaimed water at affordable cost.

Membrane Separation Technology

This method separates liquids from solids. The waste water is passed through a number of membranes to remove the impurities. The water treated by using this method is safe even to drink. This method is very effective in separating various mixtures of liquid materials in a growing range of applications. Ultra filtration, reverse osmosis and nanofiltration are the main types of membrane systems commonly used in industries. If membrane separation is used correctly they can provide financial savings and conserve resources. Using this technology, water can be purified and used in grey water applications, in irrigation or as a supplement to existing ground and surface water sources during times of low flow.

Resource Recovery from Waste Water

  • Bio diesel from fats, oils and grease- Fats, oils and grease are collected during treatment in plants and then converted into bio diesel through esterification and hydrogenation.
  • Electricity and heat from cogeneration- Biogas is a naturally occurring by-product of sludge dewatering. Electricity and hot water is produced from this biogas in cogeneration systems.
  • Hydrogen from sludge dewatering plants- Methane from sludge dewatering plants can be converted into hydrogen which can be used in direct fuel cells. This helps in the powering of waste water plants.
  • Biogas from waste water and sludge- Methane from sludge can be converted into hydrogen. But it can also be converted into biogas. Biogas can be used to fuel cars, taxis, trucks and public transportation.

Rules and Regulations for Waste Management in Kerala

The non cooperation shown by the authorities and major part of the society to public cleanliness is becoming a hindrance for Kerala’s trial for a waste free environment. The importance given by Keralites for personal cleanliness is not seen for public cleanliness. There are many who dump the waste of their houses to another person’s compound or in public places, thereby making this situation worse. Even though most of them are aware of the hazards brought by the waste accumulated in water bodies and public places to environment as well as humans, they are not ready to give up their practice. In places like Kerala where the population is high, such practices will lead to the spreading of serious illness.

Passing Urine at Public Places

The availability of pure drinking water is also affected by the wastes dumped in water bodies and public places. This will finally affect the public health. In such a situation authorities will become compelled to take strict rules and punishments to acquire the aim of a clean Kerala. As a part of this, a fine of Rs.100 can be charged from those who pass urine at public places.

This instruction can be seen in the collaborated public health rules which are in the consideration of financial and law department.

Allowing Polluted Water to Flow or Throwing Waste in Public Places

There is also an instruction to charge Rs.10000 for allowing polluted water to flow or throwing waste in public places. Even schools that don’t provide facilities for primary needs for the students and teachers will also be charged.

Rules Alone Can’t Solve The Waste Problems

There are many rules and regulations in Kerala to avoid the accumulation of waste materials. Such rules are welcomed when considered the situation of Kerala. But its results depend upon its implementation. If these rules are implemented as needed the waste problems in Kerala can be solved to a great extend. The other side of it should also be seen. The number of public latrines even in the big cities of Kerala is considerably very less. Those that already exist are in a very bad condition. The toilet facilities of many hotels and trains are also the same.

The related authorities are not becoming ready to construct the needed number of toilets or to confirm cleanliness in them. Women are the real sufferers. In common cases women have to reach back home for their primary needs. The pathetic situation of the public toilets in our cities is ridiculed by the tourists who have come here.

The authorities must take into consideration such things while bringing rules and regulations for passing urine in public places. Such rules can be obeyed only if an adequate number of public toilets are built and they are maintained well. Steps must be taken by authorities for such things too. Our local institutions have not been able to go much ahead in disposing waste in a scientific manner. Even though many units like ‘Kudumbasree’ are coming forward to render their service in waste disposal activities, they are not given much encouragement. The waste problems cannot be solved by rules alone. For such rules to be obeyed well, circumstances to obey the rule and support from the public is very necessary. There shouldn't be a situation where punishments are given only to people.