Proper and combined effort of managing waste

One third of the total waste in the world is from the construction and eradication fields. 325 million tons of waste is being repelled by US every year. At the same time the waste produced from the houses and towns in developing countries have decreased according to the report published by the Waste Watch Company that has its headquarters at Britain. The report also points out that 80% of the total waste produced around the world are recyclable. However some proper methods of managing waste have been developed that are capable of removing the entire waste from the surface of the earth. Let’s go through some of them.

Proper waste management methods

The method of carrying out waste disposal is of great importance. In today’s world creation of waste is a common fact. Since they are harmful to the environment, the method by which you dispose them off affects the environment a lot. Proper waste disposal keeps the environment disease free and green. The methods discussed below will help you keep your environment clean.

Recycling waste

It is a well known method of managing waste. It is not only a cheap method but can also be done easily by you. Recycling will save energy, resources and hence reduce pollution. Moreover you can save money by recycling. You can not only reduce the volume of waste materials but can also prevent things like batteries, tires and asphalt from ending up in landfills and incinerator. If you are a responsible citizen you should practice recycling and thereby reduce your waste.


Composting is free of any hazardous by products and also a natural process. Through this process waste materials are broken down into organic compounds which can be utilized as manure. It can be carried out easily in one’s own backyard. Any kind of waste items like leaves, grass, twigs, vegetables and fruit peels can be used. The whole matter will decompose within a few days. This nutrient rich compost can be used to improve the soil in gardens or vegetable gardens.


Large area is required to manage waste through this process. Here the entire area is dug open in which the waste is filled. Then the waste is covered with soil. But it is not safe as highly hazardous gases like methane is given off. If proper safety means are ensured it is a good method of managing waste. For the safety of surrounding areas it is very necessary that landfills are properly lined and the waste do not come in contact with the adjoining areas.

Burning waste materials

The waste materials produced in the house can be burned. It is the best and easiest method if you cannot recycle or if there are no proper places for setting up landfills. It is an ideal waste disposal system in which steam and ash is generated by the controlled burning of waste at high temperatures. The volume of the waste is also reduced in this method. Moreover the process of combustion can be used to produce energy continuously from solid waste. The energy thus produced can be channeled into other useful purposes.
The above mentioned are some of the methods of waste management that you can carry out in the individual level. Moreover they are also safe and inexpensive. New techniques are being developed in which materials as well as energy is recovered from solid waste. These new techniques are aiming at diminishing pollution and also to conserve natural resources. Some of such approaches are intensified combustion, pyrolysis, replacing polystyrene packaging with less bulky wrapping made largely of paper etc. Let’s have a look at a completely new technique in which robots play a vital role in waste management.

Robots coming to remove waste

Robots that are capable to classify waste materials have been developed to find an ultimate solution for the increasing global waste. The wise robot named Senerobotic recycler has been developed by the Finisha technological company, Senrobotics.
These recycler robots classify and remove the wastes harmful to human beings in the construction field. This is possible through the process of ‘sensor fusion’. Three dimensional scanning, measuring and tangible assessment are also possible through sensor fusion.
Though a lot of methods have been mentioned above don’t get confused on which method to be selected. A single approach is not sufficient to address the waste problem. But all the above mentioned techniques play their own separate roles in reducing waste.