Waste problems have become severe in many parts of Kerala due to the lack of
cleansing the surrounding before the rainy season.
There are no scientific methods to refine waste in local
institutions. Hence they are trying to keep the society silent with
their temporary measures. Dumping waste in public places has been
prohibited. It was done with an aim, for the authorities to come forward and to take this problem seriously and thereby find a permanent solution for it.
But those who wish to obey the rules of judiciary and government are in
a crisis due to the lack of concern shown by authorities. Just like in towns, there are people in villages who are also facing the problem of where and how to dump and refine the waste . A solution to this problem depends upon the interest of authorities and the support of people. Things will become very easy if we can assure the support of people. The decision of government to provide subsidies to residence associations
to make such waste refining systems can be considered as good step.
Half of the cost or a maximum of Rs.1 lakh is provided as subsidy.
Subsidies will be also available to colonies, Government quarters, offices, hostels, hotels, marriage auditoriums etc. The clean Kerala mission will provide subsidies to the schemes prepared by local self governed institutions.
The government has come to a conclusion that local institutions are not
operating well in implementing the schemes of refining wastes in
its place of origin. The complaints that come forward at different
places regarding this problem proves that it is correct. It is at this
situation that the clean Kerala mission was entrusted to supervise the activities of local institutions. In the district level, responsibility of this is in the hands of coordinator, of clean Kerala mission. The new scheme has to be implemented in an efficient manner. Everywhere houses and other buildings are increasing rapidly in Kerala. Flats are being constructed even in villages. In many places these flats are constructed near rivers and other water bodies. Waste refining will become a great problem for those who live in its surrounding areas.
will be a very difficult task for these local institutions to implement
an waste refining system that would fulfil all the needs of houses
and flats. So the activities that in cooperates the support of people
are becoming relevant. It won’t be a difficult task for schools to organize a waste refining program.
As a result of this such systems can be organized by understanding the
need and circumstances of the people of that area. It will become very
easy to manage such systems if they are under the supervision of some
organizations. Residence organizations and other such organizations must
come forward, not only to keep the houses clean but also to keep the
surroundings clean. Most of the people in Kerala are not bothered about
cleanliness of public places. The present condition can be changed a lot
if this
bad habit can be changed and if the people are ready to make the best
use of the waste refining systems that already exist. An inspiration
for both of this can be given to people by such organizations. Any of
such systems can succeed only if each person gets ready to put forward
his own contribution to waste refining.
solution for refining waste, How to get the support of people,
subsidies for refining plants, steps taken by government for waste refining, role of schools in waste refining, role of residence organizations, impurities in packets, what is bailing, need for bailing,
tenders for drinking water schemes.