Why We need a Decentralized Waste Management System?

  • It saves enormously on waste-transport costs .
  • Reduces waste volumes for disposal by 90%
  • Saves on manures  for park maintenance

Who should do it?
  • All institutions like colleges, hostels, hotels, hospitals, clubs, marriage-halls, jails, zoos.
  • Apartment-complexes, bungalows, Govt and    city offices.
  • All city-owned parks and sites.
  • Many individuals enjoy doing it voluntarily.

Where it is done
  • In garden strips along apartment walls, on terraces or in flower-pots or window-boxes
  •  In local parks, traffic islands, road dividers
  •  *  In conventional large street-bins
  •  In sewage-farm premises
  •  On temple lands or private farms

How it is done
  • Biomethanation in factory canteens
  • Vermi-culture (needs animal-husbandry care)
  • Aerobic wind-rows or checker-brick bins
  •  Anaerobic heaps at transfer-sites
  •  With or without composting bio-cultures

Why Waste Separation at Source is important?

Source-separation will make cleaner streams of ‘dry’ waste available for recycling or re-use.

  • There will be less injuries to waste-pickers.
  •  Health hazards will be reduced.