A Smart Move For Waste Management- Surveillance System To Catch Garbage Dumpers

A Smart Move For Waste Management- Surveillance  System To Catch Garbage-Dumpers

Waste watching is a beneficial program and an effective way to reduce waste in our surroundings, making neighbourhoods a better place. This is possible by setting up surveillance systems at necessary areas. The main driver for this system is to be able to identify unsuitable and hazardous waste entering a particular area. Donarbon and MBT which are the two important waste management parks have replaced an analogue surveillance system with multiple, strategically placed Axis network cameras.

In order to combat the problem of being bombarded with garbage bundles, Kerala has to adopt this high-tech method of waste management. Waste Management's video surveillance system gives you a cost-effective way to protect your premises. This method has already started functioning at Elankam in Thiruvananthapuram.

 Method of Working of Waste Surveillance System

A closed circuit TV camera unit has to be set up in one of the houses in that area. The camera which is very small has to be mounted at a height and should equip night vision. The inbuilt recorder stores the images which are streamed instantaneously to the CCTV monitors. To get a very clear view, fix an 80 Watt CFL lamp that lights up the area. About Rs 10,000 is required to set up such a system

Benefits of Surveillance System in Waste Management

Such units keep vigil on waste dumpers who make merry on the vacant places. These people who try to flee after dumping waste could be successfully nabbed with such units. The images stored can be handed over to the local police. This helps the health squads to easily identify them and slap a fine.

About three people were caught at Elankam within the first two days of mounting the surveillance. The residents of this colony handed over the stored image to Karamana police where they were identified and fined. The first catch itself boosted the confidence of the colony members and they are sure that the surveillance unit would help them stop the menace. The brain behind this idea is Padmakumar, a resident of the colony.

The Elankam strategy has been a huge draw with many other garbage-ridden associations, deciding to install CCTVs. Many of the councillors are holding talks with residents associations about setting up such surveillance units. The job of corporation health squads are also made easier with such a unit.