Start Practicing Waste Management From House

With the development of new technologies, we are not only damaging our soil and water but also air. The living proofs for it are Eloor, Karimugal and Edayar. The spreading of poisonous gas from the factories is capable enough to change even the original colour of day, dawn and night.

There is no permanent solution to the problem of waste. But an effective solution to this problem could be found by each citizen rather than government and authorities. The most important duty of reducing the amount of waste depends upon each person. Source decomposition is the final solution recommended by most. It’s not a good practice to deposit the waste of cities in barren areas. A final solution to this problem would be found when each person gets ready to reduce the amount of their waste production and also find a way to decompose the waste produced by them.

10 Golden rules for Waste Management

The following things can be done by each person for managing waste.
1) Keep in mind that a clean surrounding is equally important as a clean house.
2) Decompose the bio waste produced in houses within our own area.
3) Give importance to limit waste production along with its decomposition procedures.
4) Separate the plastic waste and take it to the nearest plastic shedding unit.
5) Try to find a solution to the waste decomposition depending upon one’s financial status. Example: pipe composting, pit composting, biogas plant etc.
6) Avoid the use of low quality plastic covers and plastic products.
7) Keep an extra cloth bag or paper bag while on a journey.
8) Handle the bio medical wastes in houses like syringe, cotton and medicines with great care.
9) Make others aware of the disasters created by waste.
10) Never forget that keeping the environment clean is the duty of each citizen.

Make your own cooking fuel

Biogas plant : Biogas plants are capable enough to find a solution both to the problems of waste and unavailability of cooking gas. Only one bio gas plant is required to produce gas for about one and a half hours for a family with five members.10 golden rules for waste management,

Any waste materials that get decayed other than tamarind, soap and ash can be deposited in it. The cost of a plant with that can decompose about 15 litres of liquid waste and 5 kilos of solid waste ranges from Rs.13,500 to Rs.16,000. A subside of Rs.5000 is also available. Place for constructing a tank of 1 meter diameter is required. The solid substance that is produced after making the biogas is a good manure. This manure is enough to grow vegetables in an area of 10 cent.

Energy from sun :The solar cooker and the solar water heater that can cook food and heat water with the heat from the sun have not yet gained popularity. The cost of a solar cooker having the size of a brief case is Rs. 3200. Four vessels can be placed on it. The things to be cooked have to be kept closed in vessels and then kept under sun from 10am to 1pm. They will get cooked by this time. Even though this system has got some practical deficiencies it can prepare food without the need of fuel. The average cost of solar cookers that can heat 100 litres of water up to 70 degree centigrade is Rs.18,000. The fuel required for cooking can be saved if we use this heated water for cooking. The hot water needed for washing and bathing are also available by it.