30 Crores Spent to Preserve the Waste of Towns in Packets

The corporations in Kerala are deciding to keep the waste compressed in packets. The meeting of ministers have allowed Rs 30 crores of KSUDP to preserve the waste in packets until waste refining plants are constructed. The waste that has got accumulated in five corporations is going to be packed using a technique called ‘bailing’.

The machineries needed for it will be bought soon. The chief minister Mr.Umman Chandi says that the urgent decision of conducting bailing has been taken to prevent diseases that may occur due to these accumulated waste . The KSUDP funds can be used only in corporations. That’s why bailing is now implemented only in five corporations.

The meeting also decided to provide enlarged tender to complete drinking water schemes in Kasargod municipality, Muliyar, Chengala, Muglal- Puthoor and Chemmanad panchayats. The construction of Babikara regulator, which is an important part of drinking water scheme, has also been allowed. The meeting has also decided to enlarge the tenders of PMGSY tenders.