Health Impacts Of Improper Waste Disposal

Modernisation and progress along with its advantages have contributed a great disadvantage that has become a great threat to the world. I.e. the pollution it is causing to the earth. There has been a rise in the amount of waste being generated daily by each household with the increase in population and rising demand for food and other essentials. This includes both household and biomedical waste. These wastes finally reach the landfills and dumps. But all the waste doesn’t reach the final dumpsites. It is either due to resource crunch or inefficient infrastructure. But each type of waste must be disposed properly because it can cause serious impacts on health and problems to the surrounding environment.

Serious health hazard and the spread of infectious diseases are the results of improper waste management. The unattended waste attracts the disease spreading creatures like flies, mosquitoes, rats etc. The decomposition of wet waste leads to unhygienic conditions and health problems. Plastic waste is also another cause for ill health. So certain preventive measures should be taken to control the generation of excessive solid waste.

High risk wastes

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Although every kind of wastes that are disposed improperly carry the risk of spreading disease, some wastes are found to have a higher risk of spreading disease when compared to the others. Medical waste and bio waste come at the top of the list. Any waste that had been used in a medical procedure comes under this category. These wastes require disposal very similar to hospital medical waste. Some household wastes also offers increased risk of spreading diseases. Deposits of mould that are removed from houses are the main among this type of waste.


Certain chemicals like cyanides, mercury etc if released untreated, are highly toxic which may lead to many serious diseases and even death. Studies have proved that the residents exposed to hazardous waste are likely to be detected with excesses of cancer. So understand the connection between health and hazardous waste and take necessary precautions for its proper disposal.

Some hazards associated with waste handling

• Direct contact with waste and infected wounds cause skin and blood infections.
• Exposure to infected dust causes eye and respiratory infections.
• Bites of animals feeding on waste cause different diseases.
• Flies feeding on waste transmit intestinal diseases.
• Exposure to dust and hazardous compounds cause chronic respiratory diseases.

Plastic- the greatest threat to humanity

The unhygienic use and the improper disposal of plastic have affected the human health greatly and it has become a matter of concern. The pigment contained in coloured plastics contain metals like copper, lead, chromium, cobalt, selenium etc which are highly toxic. Coloured plastics have been legally banned in many industrialized countries. This is an example that has to be emulated by each and every country of the world.

Integrating proper disposal methods

There are some locations where high risk waste materials are accumulated daily. Such locations should integrate some disposal methods. There are some items at home that have special disposal instructions. When disposing such products be certain to follow those instructions to ensure that it does not affect the environment around the area or cause health hazards to the people living there. All organic matter at the household-level should be kept aside for composting and can also be used as fertilizer.


The general precaution is avoidance. It’s advisable not to handle or touch waste when possible. Certainly use medical grade gloves to prevent exposure if required. Also take care to prevent puncture by sharp items, which are not disposed properly, by using adequate equipments. Only drink treated water and have food prepared in a hygienic place.

Disposing garbage in an improper manner is not just an eyesore, but it poses a serious threat to nature. If you are implementing recycling methods and proper waste management techniques into your lifestyle, you are taking a very good step toward helping the environment.