Waste Turns To Electricity

 Purathy , a small panchayat near to kannur town with flats and other housing colonies, should naturally have problems related to waste management ,but Purathi is totally a zero waste area as it has a panchayat installed biogas plant . Workers appointed by the panchayat collects waste daily from the houses and deposits it into the plant and the biogas obtained is used for lighting around 50 street lamps and now plans are made to increase it to 200.Other than the gas ,the residue obtained is bottled up and sold as manure for Rs 30 per Kg. The plant has a capacity to dispose 300 kg of waste daily .The gas obtained can produce around 5 Kw electricity daily. For disposing waste people are given two buckets, one for kitchen waste and other for plastics. Plans for building a plastic recycling plant for Rs 7 lakhs is going on.

After the success of the installed biogas plant, plans for two more plants are going on with one plant having a capacity of disposing around 1500 kg of waste daily. This may cost around 30 lakhs for which a subsidy of around 4 lakhs will be allowed. 10 Kw of electricity can be generated from the 1500 capacity biogas plant which would be enough to light up the area measuring up to half a kilometer around the plant. The Biotek Company running with the help of the central government are the builders of the plant and they have the responsibility to run the plant for 1 year after construction. The company also takes up small projects suitable for homes that will cost around 8700 rupees after subsidy. The gas obtained can be used for 2 hours of cooking and the manure can be used for the garden.